Ako ste ljubitelj brze hrane, onda imamo odličan recept za vas koji će vas oduševiti. Kora od samo jednog sastojka, slatkog krumpira!

Super jednostavan recept i koji iziskuje samo malo vremena. Sveukupna priprema će vam oduzeti čak manje od 30 minuta! I to nije bilo kakva pizza, to je zdrava svježa pizza!

Sastojci za nadjev:
• pesto umak
• 125 g organske mozzarele
• nekoliko šaka lišća špinata
• 1 mladi luk
• 4 stabljike slatke baby brokule
• Kuhano srce artičoka
• 3 kriške limuna
• pinjole
• masline
• svježi origano
• svježi bosiljak
• suncokretove klice

Prethodno zagrijte pećnicu na 200 stupnjeva. Pokrijte pladanj za pečenje papirom. Slatki krumpir ogulite i narežite rezačem sira ili rezačem povrća na vrlo tanke, gotovo prozirne kriške. Na posudu za pečenje rasporedite kriške slatkog krumpira tako da se one međusobno preklapaju i naprave krug. Ispunite sve rupe i unutarnji krug, tako da dobijete krug bez rupa ili prozirnih mjesta. Pospite malo maslinovog ulja, soli, crnog papra i začina za pizzu. Dodajte i češnjak.

Pecite u pećnici 10-15 minuta dok kriške slatkog krumpira ne omekšaju. Izvadite iz pećnice. Nanesite pest na koru i dodajte sir. Dodajte i listove špinata. Izrežite mladi luk i brokulu na male komadiće i pospite po krumpiru. Narežite artičoka srca i dodajte ih kriškama limuna, pinjolima i maslinama. Pecite u pećnici 10 minuta dok se sir ne otopi, a punjenje poprimi lijepu boju. Izvadite iz pećnice i na vrh pospite svježeg origana i bosiljka te suncokretove klice. Poslužite i uživajte!


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Green Goddess Pizza kinda Sunday. ✨ Base made with sweet potato – only! Recipe below. ⤵︎ Super easy and fresh but yet comfy dish. Just how I like it. Enjoy, my friends! #vanelja ✨ Vanelja’s Green Goddess Pizza ✨ Crust: 2 medium sized sweet potatoes olive oil sea salt black pepper pizza spice mix garlic clove, minced ✨ Filling: pesto sauce 125 g organic mozzarella (and/or organic feta or vegan feta & mozzarella) couple of handfuls baby spinach leaves 1 spring onion 4 stalks of sweet baby broccoli artichoke hearts (cooked/from a jar) 3 slices of lemon pine nuts olives fresh oregano fresh basil sunflower sprouts Preheat the oven to 200 Celsius / 390 Fahrenheit degrees. Cover a baking tray with a parchment paper. Peel the sweet potatoes and slice them up with a cheese slicer or a mandolin vegetable slicer into very thin, almost transparent slices. Arrange the sweet potato slices on the baking tray so that they overlap each other and make a circle. Fill all holes and also the inner circle, so that you get a circle with no holes or see-through spots. Sprinkle on some olive oil, salt, black pepper and pizza spice mix. Add also the garlic. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes until the sweet potato slices get softened. Take out from the oven. Spread some pesto on the crust and add the cheese. Add also the spinach leaves. Cut the spring onion and broccoli into small pieces and sprinkle them on the pizza. Slice the artichoke hearts and add them with lemon slices, pine nuts and olives. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes until the cheese melts and the filling gets a nice tanned color. Take out of the oven and top with fresh oregano and basil + sprouts. Serve and enjoy!

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